Artist - Illustrator
My Portfolio

"This was the second piece in a series with "Pidgeon Boy". At the Datran Center Art Lobby, Miami, Florida."

"These two pieces "Graffiti Girl and Pidgeon Boy" were part of my "Children of The Americas Show" at the Datran Centre Art Lobby in Miami, Florida."

"This piece was part of "Children of The Americas Show" at the Datran Centre Art Lobby, Miami, Florida."

"This piece was done for my show at the Datran Centre Art Lobby, Miami, Florida."

"This was a piece done for a short story about Latin American Women. It was for Latina Magazine."

"This piece was done for the Datran Centre Art Lobby show in Miami, Florida."

"This was a piece done for a story about the "Carnaval " for The New Times Magazine Miami, Florida".

"This piece was done for the "NY Society of Illustrators show regarding the 9/11 tragedy". This piece was featured in that show. All the artists that participated were a part of raising money for the families who had lost loved ones to this horrible attack".

"I did this piece for a show I was going to participate in, but also I made posters and cards of these images and I sold so very many and I have continued selling these. It was very successful".

"I did this piece for a show I was going to participate in, but also I made posters and cards of these images and sold them online. It was very successful".

"This is part of two pieces that I did for a show in Miami at The Sunset Gallery in the late 90's".

"This is part of two pieces that I did for a show in Miami at The Sunset Gallery in the late 90's".

"This was a piece I did for an article about my beautiful Cuba I was given freedom on the imagery!!! It appeared in Latin magazine".

"Jinatera" or women of the night in Cuba. This piece was done for an article in The New Times Magazine about the women of the night in Cuba".

"This piece was done for my Albany Center Art Show called "Suenos Enigmaticos" (Enigmatic Dreams). This piece was purchased by private collector".

"This piece was part of a show of my large pastel work at "The University Of Miami" Coral Gables, Florida".

"This piece was part of a show of my large pastel work at "The University Of Miami" Coral Gables, Florida".

"This piece was part of a show of my large pastel work at "The University Of Miami" it was a show that I had when I was in graduate school at The University of Miami".

"This piece was part of a show of my large pastel work at "The University Of Miami".

"This piece was part of a show of my large pastel work at The University Of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, I was working on my MFA."

"This was a children's book illustration about music and dance for Scholastic Children's Press".

"This was a piece done for an article about Latin American Farms. It was for Latina Magazine".

"This was a piece done for a short story about Latin Women in South America It was for Latina Magazine".

"This was a piece done for a short story a dream sequence about a woman who worked at a factory that would make Serapes".

" This was for a short story in a local paper in the late 80's about what was happening with women who were living alone with their children after being abandoned".

"This was a piece 1 of a 2 part series about Carousel Horses the way I see them. Just a little crazed".

"This was a piece 2 out of 2 part series about Carousel Horses the way I see them. Just a little crazed".

"A mother and son in Cuba". This was a piece for a Scholastic Magazine story about Cuban families."

"This was a piece I did because I wanted to show that love that can exist between two a woman and a baby tiger why not!! I was doing work for future shows".

"This was a piece I did for The East Bay Open Studios Show in Berkeley, California".